Flowing Tombstone


<整个世界是个大舞台,所有的男男女女不过是些表演者;你方唱罢我登台;每个人在其一生中 扮演着不同的角色>无论人们对自己的行为是多么小心翼翼,仍不可避免地会遇到窘境,造成的后果就是窘迫,即一种因弄糟的行为而导致的不舒服感,即我们口中所说的<社会性死亡>。

No matter how careful people are about their behavior, they will inevitably come across a dilemma, and the consequence is embarrassment, that is, a sense of discomfort caused by a screwed-up behavior, which is what we call .

This book documents some of the experiences of social death, and we will continue to have some fun while reading it. Regardless of how the jokes are made, each member of the team is responsible for the process of constructing reality, and in real life, as we can ignore the flaws in the behavioral performances, so as not to put the in an embarrassing situation, and when we see the clumsy behavioral performances of other people, we can associate them with When we see others' clumsy performance of behavior, we can associate ourselves with the fact that our own behavior in life is not much more brilliant, and there is no need to laugh at others; and as , when we do some unconventional behavior that becomes a social reality, we can imagine that we can use humor to play with the social reality, and there is no need to feel embarrassed.

 Electronic Tombstone Book Design/

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