Busy Blind Sidewalk


当社会规范不明晰时,这个世界有时候是令人困惑的,而人们通常称之 为街头烦恼<拦路虎>的现象现在在盲道上频繁上演,盲人的出行权利正在被剥夺。<忙道>黄油曲奇饼是基于现实社会中占用盲道、铺设不 规范等现象的概念产品包装,在包装图形、结构、饼干外形、科普折页中进行设计。

The world can sometimes be a confusing place when social norms are unclear, and the phenomenon commonly referred to What is commonly referred to as the street hassle is now a frequent phenomenon on the blind side of the road, and the right of the blind to travel is being taken away from them. The Butter Cookie is a conceptual product package based on the real world phenomenon of occupying blind alleys, paving irregularities and so on. The conceptual product packaging is based on the phenomenon of blind alleys and irregular paving in the real world, and is designed in the packaging graphics, structure, cookie shape, and the popularization leaflet.

The graphic design of the package is based on . When the user tears open the strip to realize the , a complete picture of the blind alley inside appears, presenting the interactive picture. The restoration of the shape of the two types of blind tiles by the product butter cookie and the embossed design of the blind tiles on the box allow consumers to deepen their understanding of the blind tiles. The packaging design provides consumers with an interactive experience on the packaging, and in the process of consuming the product, it raises the awareness of blind alleys and their current situation, as well as giving the blind a more friendly society.

Conceptual Food Packaging Design/



  1. 盲道在很多地方已经成为了一种摆设。为什么出行途中从来没有见过盲人,城市里的盲道遍地都是,但盲道上却没有盲人,从此疑惑为出发点进行调研。
  2. 本次设计目的是探讨社会盲道被占用而没有正确使用的现象并应用在食品包装中,为消费者提供包装交互体验,在食用产品过程中提升对盲道及其现状的认知,给予盲人一个更加友好的社会。


  1. 包装图形以叙事性插画为主要视觉元素,讲述我在模拟盲人出行时遇到的盲道的情况。如下路失踪、各类拦路虎、十八弯等。
  2. 「忙道」黄油曲奇饼是基于现实社会中占用盲道、铺设不规范等现象的概念产品。图形以「忙碌、被占用的街道」进行设计,当用户撕开拉条实现「障害物移除」,呈现出现内部完整的盲道画面。
  3. 饼干对两种盲道砖的外形进行还原,包装外盒上盲道砖的激凸工艺增加消费者的多感官体验。

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